Not only is this one of the most widely used cooking herbs, this hardy mediteranian plant is also one of the most often used landscaping. It’s compact, bushy growth form makes it an excellent hedge or filler plant which blooms profusely in the spring and summer.
Due to its antibacterial properties, its oils have been used as a natural food preservative. It also has a rich history of other medicinal uses such as memory improvement, helps with concentration, pain relief, digestive aid, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, among others.
Growth Form/Defining Characteristics: Dense bush, branching stems up to 3’ High , up to 6’ long. white/Blue flowers.
Light: Full sun to part shade
Water: Low water once established
Soil: Well drained loam, Standard potting mix.
Hardiness (Sunset And/or USDA Zones): Usda zones 9 - 11 , Can tolerate temperature extremes between 20f and 120f
Type: Perennial
Benefits from annual feeding and pruning